vendredi 7 octobre 2016

Air Quality Monitor

The U.S. Embassy has installed an air quality monitor to measure PM 2.5 particulates as an indication of the air quality at the Embassy’s Chancery building at 7 Lang Ha street in Ba Dinh District, Hanoi.

For more details on air quality index, please follow the link to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Air Now website. Hanoi AQI can be observed either by clicking on the Hanoi location on the map, or by selecting Hanoi in the “Select a City” option on the upper right part of the page. The page provides AQI over the last 24 hour period as well as pollutant concentration and a downloadable historical document.

Please note that citywide analysis cannot be done with data from a single monitor. This data provides an accurate measure of the air quality in the section of Hanoi close to the U.S. Embassy. The Vietnamese Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment also provides air quality data for Hanoi. You can view this information at

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed a formula to convert PM 2.5 readings into an air quality index (AQI) value that can help inform health-related decisions. Meanings of AQI numerical values can be seen in the chart below. For more information on AQI and how it is calculated, please click here.


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